Bite into childhood, group exhibition.
Galerie Papiers Gras and the Association 30 Ans de Droits de l’Enfant are pleased to invite you to the opening of the collective exhibition « Croquez l’Enfance », Thursday 17 January 2019 at 6pm.
To open the year of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the draughtsmen and draughtswomen of French-speaking Switzerland are gathered in a new sales exhibition. In pencil, felt pen, brush or ink, they sketch childhood and invite you into an abundant variation of styles and techniques to look at the child and his or her rights with poetry, tenderness or humour – and always with full consciousness.
6pm Welcome
Welcome by Marie-Gabrielle Cajoly, member of the Steering Committee of the Association 30 Years of the Rights of the Child
A word from Mrs Esther Alder, Administrative Advisor in charge of the Department of Social Cohesion and Solidarity
A word from Mrs. Emery-Torracinta, State Councillor in charge of the Department of Public Education, Training and Youth
Concluding remarks by Dr. h.c. Jean Zermatten and Prof. Philip Jaffé, co-founders of the 30 Years Association for the Rights of the Child.
With the participation of
Léandre Ackermann, Albertine, Aloys,
Oscar Baillif, Hélène Becquelin, Bénédicte,
Christophe Bertschy, Anne Bory, Constanza
Well done, Eric Buche, Ceppi, Chappatte, Megane
Chikhani, Nicolas Clemente, Katia de Conti,
Pitch Comment, Ludivine Cornaglia, Reto
Crameri, Anne Crausaz, Exemplary, Adèle Dafflon,
Olga Fabrizio, Mirjana Farkas, Fred Fivaz,
Catherine Grangier, Raphaèle Gygi, Gérald
Herrmann, Alex Howling, Joëlle Isoz, Jenay,
Kalonji, Cécile Koepfli, Denis Kormann, Marie
Lavis, Nikita Mandrika, Renata Martino, Popy
Matigot, Maurane Mazars, Malizia Moulin,
Sarah Najjar, Lorenz Ohrmer, Katia Orlandi,
Thomas Perrodin, Poussin, Isabelle Pralong,
Irène Schoch, Meryl Lynn Schmalz, Amélie
Strobino, Tassilo, Tom Tirabosco, Valott,
Camille Vallotton, Gaëlle Vejlupek, Pierre
Wazem, Zep